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Joint session of Congress called to appoint Argentine president
( 2001-12-31 16:47 ) (7 )

Chamber of Deputies leader Eduardo Camano early Monday called a joint session of the Argentine congress to appoint a new provisional leader after President Adolfo Rodriguez Saa resigned.

Camano was constitutionally in charge of the executive after Senate leader Ramon Puerta also resigned late Sunday.

Camano said in Buenos Aires that the joint session should take place either Tuesday or Wednesday.

Camano said that he was contacting leader in Congress so that Argentines "can have a president to lead this country within 48 hours."

Rodriguez Saa made his decision public in a dramatic televised address late Sunday to the nation, after spending just one week in office.

Rodriguez Saa took office after Fernando de la Rua resigned the presidency on December 20 amid widespread rioting and protests over the country's deepening economic recession.



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