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Revenge causes fatal hospital blast in Southwest China
( 2001-12-13 11:42 ) (8 )

A vengeful Sichuan farmer named Bao Jihou, killed his doctor Li Mingsu in an apparent suicide-bomb attack at a hospital that also claimed the lives of three other people, police said on Wednesday.

Thirty-five other people were injured in the blast at Chongqing No 3 People's Hospital on November 14, with five still in critical condition.

Police said Bao, 55, of Linshui county, was diagnosed with a detached retina and an operation performed by Li failed to restore his eyesight.

"Dissatisfied with the results of his eye operation, Bao argued with Li and vowed revenge," the Xinhua News Agency said.

Police said they found evidence in Bao's home linking him to the explosion. In a note left to his family, the farmer said he planned to file a lawsuit against Li "in the nether world".

The powerful explosion destroyed the entire ophthalmology department on the fifth floor of the hospital.

It was the first incident of its type to occur in Chongqing. Bao used nitramine explosives to blow up the reception area of the ophthalmology department.

Officials said chemicals used to make explosives were easily available in villages, as they were also used to make fertiliser.



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