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China opposes terrorism in all forms: top legislator
( 2001-11-01 09:32 ) (8 )

INSIDE ALGERIA: A happy arrival

CHINA'S LI: Smiling departure

Chinese top legislator Li Peng said in Algiers on Wednesday that China opposes and condemns terrorism in all forms, pointing out that terrorism poses threat to world peace and security.

At a meeting with Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, Li Peng, chairman of the Standing Committee of the Chinese National People's Congress, said that an enhanced international cooperation is necessary for fight against terrorism and the role of the United Nations and its Security Council should be brought into full play in this regard.

"We've noticed the Arab countries are paying close attention to the anti-terror issue and the US-led strike against Afghanistan, " he said.

"We oppose to link terrorism to a certain religion or a nation, " Li stressed.

He said China upholds that any military strike against terrorism must be based on hard evidence and have definite targets so as to avoid innocents' casualties.

Expressing his hope for an early return of peace to Afghanistan, Li also warned against a spillover of military actions in other countries or regions.

China and Algeria have reached consensus on many issues relating to anti-terror fight, Li said, adding that China is willing to coordinate better with Arab countries including Algeria to safeguard world peace and the interests of all developing countries.

Echoing Li's views on cracking down on terrorism in all forms, Bouteflika said his country firmly opposes terrorism and encourages international cooperation in fighting terrorism. Algeria also upholds that it is vital to eliminate terror starting right from the roots.

Recalling the traditional friendship between the two countries, Li said China will never forget that Algeria has always given firm support to China on major issues like Taiwan and human rights.

Li said the two countries enjoy a stable political relationship while trade and economic cooperation has developed steadily, adding that China is willing to increase exchanges and expand cooperation at different levels between the two countries.

For his part, Bouteflika said he agrees with Li on strengthening bilateral cooperation, saying that Algeria will keep to the One-China policy like before.

During the talks, the two leaders also exchanged views on mideast and Afghanistan.

Li is on the first day of his three-day visit to Algeria. His five-nation North African and Latin American visit will also bring him to Cuba, Argentina, Uruguay and Tunis.



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