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Ex-Beatle Harrison moves to Swiss villa
( 2001-08-09 16:15 ) (7 )

Former Beatle George Harrison has moved into a luxury villa in the Italian-speaking southern Swiss canton of Ticino, where he was recently treated for a brain tumor, Swiss newspapers reported on Wednesday.

The 58-year-old guitarist/singer from the legendary Liverpool quartet bought the house, which has 14 bedrooms, six bathrooms and a swimming pool, from London-based wine merchant Timothy Abegg, the papers said.

The hillside estate where Harrison and his wife Olivia are living is perched above Lake Lugano in the village of Montagnola, once home to Nobel Literature laureate Hermann Hesse.

Harrison, the youngest of the Beatles, underwent radiotherapy at a Swiss cancer clinic in Bellinzona during May and June. He survived being stabbed in the chest by an intruder in his London home in late 1999.

The newspaper Blick quoted local people as saying he fell in love with the area during his stay there.



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