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Chinese stars to be on stamps to support Olympic bid
( 2001-06-04 16:27 ) (8 )

Thirty six Chinese sports and entertainment celebrities, such as "Gymnastic Prince" Li Ning, " Iron Hammer" Lang Ping and world famous movie director Zhang Yimou, will be on stamps in support of Beijing's bid for hosting the 2008 Olympic Games.

Luk Ping-chuen, the postmaster general of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), announced Monday the stamps will be issued by the China National Philatelic Corporation in collaboration with Hong Kong Post.

The "Personal Greetings Stamps" is a set of two mini-panes, entitled "My Wish - Chinese Celebrities from the Sports and Entertainment Circles Wish Beijing Success in Bidding for Hosting the 2008 Olympic Games."

To be sold in China as well as in Hong Kong on June 12, the stamps will be printed in photogravure by The House of Questa Limited, United Kingdom.

Each mini-pane consists of 18 Personal Greetings Stamps on Happy Memories priced 1.3 HK dollars ( 0.16 US dollar) in Hong Kong.

The 36 Chinese athletes and entertainment stars are Fu Mingxia (diving), Lang Ping (volley ball), Xu Haifeng (shooting), Cai Zhenhua (table tennis), Li Ning (gymnastics), Wang Yifu (shooting), Deng Yaping (table tennis), Nie Weiping (I-go), Wang Junxia (track and field), Chen Xiaomin (weight-lifting), Ye Qiaobo (skating), Gong Zhichao (badminton), Kong Linghui (table tennis), Xie Jun ( chess), Liu Xuan (gymnastics), Li Yongbo (badminton), Xiong Ni ( diving), Zhan Xugang (weight-lifting); Zhang Yimou (movie director) , Zhao Benshan (comedian), Song Zuying (singer), Ge You (comedian), Jiang Kun (comedian), Zhao Wei (actress), Zhao Zhongxiang ( TV anchorman), Mao Amin (singer), Zhang Ziyi (actress), Feng Gong ( comedian), Gong Li (actress), Na Ying (singer), Zhang Guoli (actor and director), Yang Lan (TV person), Chen Peisi (comedian), Jiang Wen (actor), Liu Huan (singer), Ni Ping (TV anchorwoman).



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