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周强任湖南省委书记 高度重视《中国日报》
2010-04-26 17:04:35

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2009 52014版推出港洽周专版


'Ideal and energetic investment destination'

By Feng Zhiwei and Zhang Ranran (ChinaDaily)


周强任湖南省委书记 高度重视《中国日报》

Changsha, capital ofHunanprovince.

Since the launch of the reform and opening-up policy 30 years ago, Hunan has developed into an ideal and energetic investment destination, said Zhou Qiang, governor of the central China's Hunan province, in a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of Investment Negotiation Week, a business fair held by Hunan in Hong Kong from May 18-22.

Zhou said the five-day event is designed to introduceHunan's huge economic potential, seek business partners and learn fromHong Kong's experience in a bid to create mutually beneficial cooperation.

Closer ties

周强任湖南省委书记 高度重视《中国日报》

Since CEPA - or Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement - began in 2004, ties betweenHunanandHong Konghave developed in wide-ranging and varied industrial sectors.

Governor Zhou said that from 2004 to 2008, trade volume between the two areas increased to a total value of $3.8 billion, twice that of the previous 20 years.

In the first quarter of this year - despite the impact of the global financial crisis - investment from Hong Kong inHunanstill reached $650 million, up 27 percent over the same period last year.

How to embrace the challenges with confidence and strengthen cooperation during the ongoing global economic slowdown concerns both sides most.

Hunanneeds significant capital and advanced technology to continue laying the foundation for industrial development, whileHong Kong's abundant foreign exchange reserves, developed financial markets and superb investment capacity needs to further explore markets to support the island's economy.

By integrating elements and resources, increasing service efficiency and strengthening their ability to fight the financial crisis, both sides can realize more rapid development.

Increasing value

Hunan's total output value and combined bank savings deposits in 2008 both exceeded 1 trillion yuan. The province's total output increased 13.1 percent in the first quarter compared to the same period of 2008.

Its utilized foreign direct investment (FDI) rose by 22.5 percent in 2008, while investment from other provinces increased 16.9 percent.

In the first quarter of this year, the usage of FDI increased 20.6 percent year-on-year.

周强任湖南省委书记 高度重视《中国日报》


Through many government projects,Hunanwill further strengthen cooperation withHong Kong, especially in industrial development, financial creativity, market expansion, and infrastructure construction to enhance its ability to resist risks.

To attract investment from Hong Kong,Macauand other international cities, the province will cooperate with global top 500 companies to attract high-quality professionals and learn advanced international management expertise.

Hunanplans to increase infrastructure construction, industrial development, municipal and rural construction, its marketing system and social development to provideHong Kongenterprises with more opportunities on the Chinese mainland.

"It is a good chance forHunanto upgrade and get industrial transfers from developed coastal areas as adjustment continues in the ongoing financial crisis," said Zhou.

The governor said that a series of governmental policies and regulations put into practice last year encourages coastal industries to move to central and western regions. "This year, we are focused on setting down concrete regulations for those industrial transfers," Zhou said.

With the advantage of a modern transport network, and abundant natural, scientific and educational resources, industrial clusters for mechanical engineering, steel and electric locomotives have already been developed inHunan.

In addition, 80 industrial parks have been established. A grouping of cities of that combinesChangsha, Zhuzhou andXiangtanhas been approved as a national model base for hi-tech industries.

By establishing four centers for industrial transfer - in Chenzhou, Yueyang, Yiyang and Yongzhou - Hunan will give priorities to the processing trade and outsourcing services.

"In this Hong Kong Investment Negotiation Week, we are providing 203 provincial-level projects with a total investment of $35.8 billion," said Zhou. "We sincerely hope domestic and foreign investors will find opportunities in these projects and further deepen our cooperation."

周强任湖南省委书记 高度重视《中国日报》Zhou said the province must spend more on infrastructure construction to improve the hardware for economic development, yet great importance must also be attached to improving government efficiency, the legal system and public services. Practical policies and rules will be formulated to facilitate the implementation of CEPA inHunan.

The governor saidHunanwill do its best to take on industrial transfer fromHong Kong. It will also make special policies to accelerate the process of introducing Hong Kong's financial industry toHunan.

One measure is preferential policies that will be made to attractHong Kongcompanies to invest in modern logistics in the province.

The scope of duty-free imported products will also be enlarged, part of the province's commitment to an "open, fair, just, transparent and predictable investment environment forHong Kongentrepreneurs", Zhou said.

(China Daily05/20/2009page14)

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