The Hot Zone of Asia and the Chinese Coping Strategies

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Updated: 2012-02-06

According to the report from Chinese News Express, the Malaysia Nanyang Business says that the main hot zones, also known as conflict or controversial zones were mostly in Asia. The changing degree influences the development as well as the rise and fall of China. Coping strategies used by China will help the resolution of conflicts.

The other conflict zones include Iran, Syria, East and North Asia, East Sea and South Sea, India and Pakistan, Palestine and Israel, China and India, Afghanistan and so on. Many of the hot zones in Asia are related to China.

Over the last years, the hot zones concerning many countries and influencing the global situation were all occurring in Asia. This does not include Libya in North Africa, Iraq, the Palestinian and Israeli conflicts, Afghanistan, India and Pakistan, Iran, Syria, and the Korea (peninsula) situation. In the coming years, the East Sea and South Sea have the danger of upgrading. Many hot zones are related to the interests of China. It is not only because of the position of China in the United Nations, but also the response of China, which relates to the strategy change in America.

According to the hot degree, the Asian hot zones can be divided into Syria, Iran, North Korea, Palestinians and Israelis, India and Pakistan, and Afghanistan, and so on.

Syria and Iran are seen as the first hot zones; Korea (peninsula) is seen as the second hot zone; and the Palestinian and Israeli situation is the third. East Sea and South Sea situations are two common hot zones that extend.

These hot zones are related to China in many ways. America is the key for the shaping and the upgrading of the hot zone.

If China does not want to be bundled it should get out from these zones, develop a new pillar in Africa or America and get the understanding and backup of the League of Arab States by ways of economy, international relations and culture.
