Special local products-Xiangtan

( enghunan.gov.cn )

Updated: 2012-01-31

Dragon-brand soy sauce

Dragon-brand soy sauce won the golden medal at the Panama International Fair in 1915. With a bright color and a sweet smell, the soy sauce contains 260 types of aroma and amino acid that is necessary for the health of people. It is a nutritious product of high quality.

Special local products-Xiangtan

Shaofeng tea

Shaofeng tea includes jasmine tea, green tea, gongfu tea, and raw dark green tea. All the tea leaves rolling up, the tea is high in quality and aromatic in smell. Shaofeng tea can help improve people’s vision, clear the mind, promote the scretion of saliva and relieve a cough.

Special local products-Xiangtan

Lampwick cake

Prepared with high-quality glutinous rice flour, white sugar, lard, cinnamon, and red shreds, Lampwick cake is in the shape of lampwick and tastes sweet, spicy and aromatic. The cake can be lit with fire, with the pure cinnamon smell. Hunan lotus seeds The lotus seeds produced in Xiangtan are larger than those produced in other places. Three lotus seeds put side by side last about 3.33 centimeters long. In ancient China, such lotus seeds were paid as a tribute to emperors.

Special local products-Xiangtan

Hunan lotus seeds

The lotus seeds produced in Xiangtan are larger than those produced in other places. Three lotus seeds put side by side last about 3.33 centimeters long. In ancient China, such lotus seeds were paid as a tribute to emperors.

Special local products-Xiangtan


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