Junshan Scenic Area

( enghunan.gov.cn )

Updated: 2012-01-30

Junshan scenic area, the largest island in the Dongting Lake, is also called the “Love Island”. The scenic area is made up of 72 peaks, covering a total area of 960 square meters. Junshan is the 11th blessing land under heaven and has been listed as the national AAAA scenic area. The main tourist attractions on the island include Liu Yi’s Well, Tombs of Two Empresses, Mottled Bamboo, Dragon’s Saliva Well, and Xiangfei Temple. Dongting Temple

Located by the lake of eastern Junshan Island, Dongting Temple was built in honor of the God of Dongting Lake who is considered a fishermen’s patron saint. It is uniquely designed to have a dragon arch on four stone columns in the front with a good view of the vast Dongting Lake.

The temple was destructed in the Anti-Japanese War and was renovated until 1997 under the co-investment of 3 million yuan by the Yueyang Construction Committee and Hou Xigui. The temple covers a land area of 5,000 square meters.

According to folklores in this area, the God of Dongting Lake was an intellectual in the Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907) named Liu Yi. He once saved the life of the dragon's daughter. The dragon King decided to marry his daughter to Liu Yi as a reward for his kind deed. However, in Liu Yi's mind, to rescue people's life in danger is not for reward and he refused to accept the dragon King's goodness. After Liu Yi's leaving, the dragon's daughter who had already admired Liu Yi, disguised herself to be a common woman and married him. After their marriage, she told him the truth, and then Liu Yi returned to the Dongting water House and became Dongting King. Nevertheless, the Dragon King worried that Liu Yi was too bookish as an intellectual to control the evil monsters in the water. He made a mask for Liu Yi and asked him to wear it during the daytime when he was on duty and to take it off at night before going home. Once Liu Yi patrolled the lake until mid-night and forgot to remove the mask. After entering his home, the mask could no longer be removed. Consequently, Liu Yi became a black- faced man. The black-faced king has done a lot of good things. In order to honor him, people in Junshan Mountain constructed the Dongting Temple. Until now, people often burn incense in the temple and pray that Dongting King will bring them peace and safety.

Mottled Bamboo

Mottled bamboo is also known as Xiangfei bamboo because it was legendarily formed by the tears from Ehuang and Nuying who cried day and night in deep grief for their dear husband-the deceased Emperor Shun-in the bamboo forest. The mottles on the green bamboos, light or deep, are just like tear drops from the two empresses.

Liu Yi’s Well

The well is only a mount ridge away from the Tomb of the Two Empresses. The legend of LiuYi, written by the Tang Dynasty writer Li Chaowei goes that Liu Yi, a Tang Dynasty intellectual, passed Jingyang county on his way home after failing in an imperial examination. He happened to see that the Dragon King's daughter was mistreated in her marriage. He gallantly rescued her from the misery and later the two became a couple. To honor Liu Yi’s noble quality of helping people in need without expecting any reward, people later named the well after Liu Yi. The water from the well is clean and sweet, used especially for brewing wine.

Xiangfei Temple

The Xiangfei temple, built to honor the two wives of Emperor Shun-Ehuang and Nuying, is 70 meters north of the tombs of the two Empresses. Comprising three courtyards, this building covers an area of 960 square meters. The 400-character-long couplets on the gate of the first courtyard are about this temple. The four-character plaque on the gate of the second courtyard reads, "Whatever requested will be granted". The third gate leads to the main hall with houses the statues of the two empresses.

Tombs of the Two Empresses

The tombs of Ehuang and Nuying, who were the two wives of Emperor Shun, are located in eastern Junshan island. Legend has it that over 4,000 years ago, the emperor died in Cangwu on his southern inspection tour. His two wives were on the Dongting Mount looking for their husband after hearing the sad news of his death. They were so grieved that, holding the bamboo tree, they cried their eyes out and bled. The blood dropped on the bamboo trees and mottled them. Extremely heart-stricken, they died of grief and were buried at the eastern foot of the Mount Dongting. In memory of the two ladies, the mount was named Junshan, meaning "Mount of the Monarch". The present tomb was renovated by the city government in 1979.

Transport: No.15 sightseeing bus goes from Yueyang Railway Station to the Junshan Scenic Area

Tel: (86)730-8159311

Website: www.Junshan.com.cn

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