Hunan to strengthen itself by overseas investment

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Updated: 2012-01-21

Xiao Xiangqing, director of the foreign and overseas Chinese affairs office of Hunan province said the number of overseas Hunan people reaches 700,000. Hunan is gradually transforming into a strong province in the utilization of overseas Chinese talents and investment.

Among the 3,000 foreign-invested enterprises in Hunan, enterprises funded by overseas Chinese and Hong Kong people account for more than 70 percent. Overseas Chinese takes up over 60 percent of the overseas high-caliber talents in the province. Overseas Chinese and associations have made a positive contribution to Hunan's utilization of domestic and international resources and markets.

Xiao also pointed out that Hunan has made exploration and innovation in overseas Chinese affairs. Various activities have been held successively to unite overseas Chinese to serve Hunan's new-type industrialization, new urbanization, informatization, agricultural modernization and the "Two-Oriented" Society construction. The province also creates new opportunities for its integrated use of overseas Chinese resources in promoting its economic and social development. As the hometown of Chairman Mao, Hunan has always been a key province for the Party's external work since the foundation of the People's Republic of China (PRC).
