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What a bummer 杯具了
2011-09-07 14:19:57      来源:流行美语

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Larry: No problem. I'll ask him to help you get the internship at his company.

LH: Awesome! Now I'm stoked! Larry, 让我们投入战斗吧!


LH: Larry,牛肉饼烤得怎么样啦?我等着做汉堡包呢!

Larry: Not too bad. They're just cooking a little slower than I thought. I guess my grill is too small. It's OK, though! I'm still stoked for the party!

LH: Larry!你看看,烧烤架下面根本就没有火!你是不是没有瓦斯啦?

Larry: Oh, no! You're right! What a bummer!

LH: Bummer? 你是说bum,懒鬼吗?

Larry: No. Not bum, bummer! A bummer is bad news, or something that makes you upset - like running out of gas when you need to cook for 40 people!

LH: 哦!A bummer就是坏消息。瓦斯用完,你没法烤肉, 真是个好大的bummer啊。不过你也不用着急,现在只有一个客人,就是你那个高中同学,现在很红的那个DJ。

Larry: Wait a minute. This music is from our DJ? This music is for little kids - I thought the neighbors must be having a birthday party for their five-year-old daughter.

LH: 不是,你听到的就是DJ放的音乐,他说他的专长就是给学校活动造气氛,所以用的都是儿童音乐……

Larry: What a bummer!! Ugh, this party is turning into a disaster! No one's here, I can't cook the food, and the DJ sounds like he's from Sesame Street!

LH: 没关系,只要你朋友Brian能来,我就知足啦!我可得好好表现,争取让他给我实习的机会!I'm really stoked to meet him!

Larry: I don't know, Lihua. No one has showed up! I was so stoked about this party.... now the whole thing is just a big bummer. (Sigh) Maybe I wrote the wrong date on the invitation...(doorbell rings)

Larry: Brian is here.

LH: Oh thank god.

Larry: Hey Brian, how are you?

Brian: Hey, Larry, good to see you again! This must be Lihua. I've heard so much about you!

LH: Oh, really...All good things, I hope.

Larry: Actually, Lihua is looking for an internship this summer. Do you think your company would have an opening for her?

Brian: My company? I didn't tell you, Larry? I left my job a year ago. I'm a grad student now!

LH: 啊啊啊?你一年前就辞职不干啦?现在回学校念书去了?What a bummer!

来源:流行美语   编辑:许银娟

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