Opaque, Los Angeles, Calif.
Altering the notion of food being eaten with the eyes, this Los Angeles weekend event serves a two-hour, multi course gourmet meal to diners who cannot see their food. By dining in a pitch-black room—you'll be led to your table by the blind and visually impaired waiters—your sense of taste, touch, smell, and hearing will be enhanced by abandoning the "visual stigmas" attached to food for a more authentic experience.

The Safe House, Milwaukee, Wis.
You'll need to whisper the secret code into the ear of the doorman to enter International Exports Ltd., the fake front of this spy-themed Milwaukee restaurant that has been open since 1966. Inside the maze-like building, you'll come across numerous secret passages and spyholes among the walls.

Casa Bonita, Denver, Colo.
Casa Bonitia is a sort of Mexican restaurant crossed with Disneyland, and is so well known in Colorado that it was featured in an episode of South Park. The 52,000-square-foot restaurant that can seat more than 1,000.