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2011-08-26 10:51:41      来源:中国日报

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Kate Winslet, the Oscar-winning actress, saved British business tycoon Richard Branson's 90-year-old mother as a fire ripped through the tycoon's Caribbean home this month. Winslet carried the woman to safety after the house was struck by lightning during a tropical storm.

本月,英国大亨理查德 布兰森位于加勒比海的豪宅遭雷击发生大火。奥斯卡影后凯特 温丝莱特将他90高龄的母亲从火灾中救出。

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A fire is more than flames in English. Another way to say you lost your job is to say you got fired. If you’re excited about a new job, your friends might say you are “fired up” about the new job. If you are about to approach a man who has a bad reputation, your mother might tell you not “to play with fire”.

If someone texts you or calls you and you reply immediately, you can say you “fired right back” with an answer. If you see your best friend flirting with someone, but you know she’s not serious, you can say, “It’s all sparks, but no fire.”

Fire在英语里不光指火焰。Got fired就是被炒了鱿鱼。如果你为了新工作激动万分,你的朋友们可能会说你“fire up”(太激动了)。如果你要接近一个名声很臭的男人,你妈妈可能会告诉你不要“to play with fire”(玩儿火)。

如果有人给你发短信或者打电话,你立马回复,就可以说“fire right back”。如果你看到你最好的朋友在和别人调情,但你又知道她不是玩真格的,你可以说,“It’s all sparks, but no fire.”(只是有点儿来电而已。)

来源:中国日报    编辑:许银娟

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