Flop flop: Multibillionaire and Harvard drop-out Zuckerberg loves a baggy jean, an Adidas flip flop and teenage fabourite, hoodies(dailymail.co.uk)
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Consummate nerdand Harvard drop-outhe may be, Mark Zuckerberg also happens to be one of the most powerful men in the world.
But for all of his billions of dollars, technological genius and philanthropic leanings, the co-founder of Facebook remains a very, very bad dresser.
So bad, in fact, that GQ magazine has just voted 27-year-old Zuckerberg the 'worst dressed man in Silicon Valley.'
California's technological enclave is, of course, no Milan runway, but to top the list at so young an age and ahead of so many other fashion culprits, is impressive to say the least.
No stranger to lists, Zuckerberg was named Time magazine's Person of the Year in 2010, but this time, the onusis on the entrepreneur to sharpen up his sartorial acumen.
GQ says: 'Nerds run the world. But with their notoriously horrid fashion choices, some dotcom entrepreneurs could use a style IQ boost. While their tech innovations deserve kudos, their outfits are one giant leap back for mankind.'