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“虚拟超市”风靡地铁站 成购物新宠
2011-08-05 09:45:13      来源:中国日报

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“虚拟超市”风靡地铁站 成购物新宠

Tempting: A 'virtual supermarket' consisting of posters of shelves stocked with goods pasted on platform walls is used by smartphone-wielding commuters at a Seoul subway station(dailymail.co.uk)

Commuters could soon be able to do their shopping on the way to work while waiting for a train on a station platform. A 'virtual supermarket' consisting of posters of shelves stocked with goods pasted on platform walls is set to be introduced at London Underground stations.

Passengers 'shop' by scanning QR - Quick Response- codes of the items they want to buy using their smartphones. These goods are later delivered to their home address.

Supermarket giant Tesco successfully trialled the hi-tech store in a South Korean subway station and there are now plans to bring the concept to Britain.

Irene Lam, spokeswoman for Cheil Worldwide, the global marketing agency that helped develop the store, said: 'In Seoul, everyone is glued to their smartphones.

'Online shopping is a given and everyone is extremely busy, working very long hours. So this concept absolutely made sense.'

Last month, Tesco's Korean arm Home Plus transformed Seoul's Hangangjin Station into a 'virtual supermarket' by pasting posters of stocked shelves onto platform walls.

The trial boosted the retailer's online sales by 130 per cent and online members by 76 per cent, claimed Cheil.

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