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新郎竟是女儿身 印尼险些上演“同性婚礼”
2011-07-29 16:00:44      来源:中国日报

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新郎竟是女儿身 印尼险些上演“同性婚礼”

File photo of a wedding in Indonesia.An Indonesian family stopped a wedding after discovering the groom was a woman, only for an ex-boyfriend to save their blushes by stepping in to marry the bride.

An Indonesian family stopped a wedding after discovering the groom was a woman, only for an ex-boyfriend to save their blushesby stepping in to marry the bride.

Family and guests gathered to read the Koranat the Islamic ceremony in western Java, but the groom did not bring relatives and suspicions were raised when "Rio" failed to show documents, the Jakarta Globe newspaper reported on Wednesday.

"The suspicion became bigger as her heavy voice suddenly changed into a female one," the newspaper quoted local police chief Krisnandi as saying, adding the groom had a male physique and had known bride Nuraini for seven months.

"The family finally got Kiman, the ex-boyfriend, as the new groom for Nuraini in order to save facein front of their guests," Krisnandi said.

Homosexuality is not illegal in the world's most populous Muslim country, though same-sex marriages are not allowed. Same-sex marriages became legal in New York earlier this month, prompting hundreds of gay and lesbian couples to wed.

(Read by Renee Haines. Renee Haines is a journalist at the China Daily Website.)




据《雅加达环球报》本周三报道,亲属和宾客当时齐聚西爪哇岛,举行伊斯兰教的婚礼仪式,并诵读《古兰经》。但新郎 “里欧”没有亲友相陪,又拿不出相关证明,引起人们的怀疑。

该报援引当地警长克里斯南迪的话说:“当新郎原本厚重的嗓音突然变成女声时,我们更怀疑了。” 他还说,新郎体型酷似男性,与新娘努拉妮相识已有七个月。



来源:中国日报  编辑:许银娟

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