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2011-07-25 21:22:20      来源:中国日报网

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I also want to thank the NBA and the Houston Rockets manager. Thanks for their presence, and thank you Daryl Morey. Their support and understanding helped me overcome the cultural and language barriers, enabling me to stand firm on the world's best basketball team.

I'd like to extend my gratitude to my teammates and opponents. First of all, Liu Wei. We have grown up together as teammates, and this will be the most precious experience in my life. Wang Zhizhi and Shaquille O'Neal, it is your presence that keep me endeavoring to catch up to you and you are always my targets. Without you two, I could not make such an achievement. I also want to say thanks to Fan Bin, my mentor on the national team and to Shen Wei, Li Nan, Mengke Bateer, Yi Jianlian and all my teammates at Xuhui District Amateur Sports School, Shanghai Youth Team, Shanghai Sharks, Houston Rockets, National Youth Team and the National Team, to my opponents in the games of CBA and NBA. It was indeed memorable days to play with you.

I also want to thank "Yao's team" (Yao Ming's business planning team) for all you have done for me over the years and I will never forget it.


I want to take this opportunity to express my thanks to friends from the media, to my sponsors and partners, from whom I have learned a lot, and to my dear fans, whether you like me or not, whether you are Chinese or foreigners. The care from all of you gives me enough confidence and your criticism helps me improve myself.


All of you, whether I have mentioned above or not, will be in my heart. In a word, I want to say thank you to my family and friends for your company all these years. I will continue to be the best I can be and continue to be with you all.


Yao Ming will always be with you, my dear friends, thank you!


Finally, I will express my gratitude to the great and progressive era, in which I have a chance to make my dream come true and show my value. Once I said when my basketball career ended, it was just a comma rather than a full stop. Now the day comes, but I don't leave basketball, my life is still continuing. I am still myself, Yao Ming. There are a lot of things for me to do and it is far too early to say goodbye.

I wish you all a healthy and happy life. I wish my hometown Shanghai, second hometown Houston, my great motherland and I wish basketball a bright future.

Thank you very much!

来源:中国日报网   编辑:许银娟

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