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站不住脚You don't have a leg to stand on
2011-07-08 13:57:09      来源:中国日报

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A man was seriously injured in a car accident, severely damaging his legs. As soon as the emergency room doctor examined him, he knew that one of the man's legs must be amputated. He was taken to surgery, where, due to an administrative error, the good leg was amputated. The mistake was discovered while the man was in the recovery room, so he was taken back into surgery and the bad leg also amputated.

When the man found out what had happened from a nurse who was present during the entire procedure, the man decided to sue the doctor and the hospital. He consulted the best attorney in town, who, after going over the man's claim, advised him against seeking damages.

"What," the man exclaimed, "this is the most clear-cut case of outright negligence I have ever heard of."

"That may be true," the lawyer replied, "but frankly you don't have a leg to stand on."

来源:中国日报   编辑:许银娟

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