
Chinese teachers in British classrooms spark global debate on education styles

By Xu Jing ( ) Updated: 2015-08-06 17:44:18

Chinese teachers in British classrooms spark global debate on education styles

A file photo of British students doing homework in the classroom.

At the same time, many British complained not about the Chinese teachers, but about their own country's education system.

Richard Spencer, a Telegraph journalist whose children once attended schools in China, wrote in his article, "It is, perhaps, the first to expose so clearly the differences in our schools to those in China, whose indeed well-disciplined pupils are now in some cases two to three years ahead of our own in measurable subjects like maths and science."

Many Twitter users expressed their discontentment regarding the British education style as well. "I also think sport should be made compulsory in the UK, and run on a system similar to China," Twitter user@ Flamingo said.

"If British schools, in the main, are places of constant supply of entertainment to pupils (at break time and during lessons alike) then the name of these institutions should be changed from schools to something else, maybe comedy clubs instead of schools - where the chief clown is normally the head teacher," a Twitter user commented.

Twitter user@Daniel.E considered that British parents should examine themselves after watching this documentary. "Children should learn to show respect to their parents at home and to their teachers in school. This is what all the parents should tell their children since their childhood. However, the children in the documentary show that their parents, without any doubt, set a very bad example to them in daily life," he said.

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