Operators, hotels tailoring services to overcome cultural differences
Li Xiao was anxious when she made her first overseas trip, to Saipan island, in June. "I went on my own, and I was quite concerned before my trip because my English is not good and it was my first time overseas," the 28-year-old from Jiangsu province said. "But it turned out really well. There were signs in Chinese, the hotel staff and even the local tour guide spoke Chinese, and I could even eat a Chinese breakfast if I wanted."
Li is one of a new breed of outbound tourists. They come not only from large cities such as Beijing but also from second-, third-, and even fourth-tier cities. They are relatively young and fans of online services. They prefer to arrange their own trips instead of booking with travel agencies, they want more language support, and they enjoy shopping.
The tourism sector and related industries have responded quickly to this new demand, especially the hotel industry, which has shown its commitment to the market by introducing tailored services.