Paving the pathway to growth
When news of the Sichuan earthquake arrived, the HKJC immediately gave HK$30 million ($3.86 million) to the relief efforts. It followed this up with a fund raising campaign, which got HK$9.5 million more. In addition, it pledged an unprecedented HK$1 billion for quake reconstruction work, to contribute to Sichuan's sustainable growth and development.
The HKJC-supported reconstruction projects include a hospital, training services and equipment for a rehabilitation center, junior and senior high schools, facilities for the handicapped, vocational training, and an Olympic School for athletes.
Thanks to HKJC support, Sichuan is also establishing China's first Institute for Disaster Management and Reconstruction, one that can serve the entire nation and provide a platform for closer collaboration between China and the global community in disaster management.