Not to miss

(That's Beijing)
Updated: 2007-09-05 10:52

Nanluoguxiang Performance Festival (Sep 15-16)

Family-friendly fair by day, hutong block party by night. A slew of live acts, including saxophonists, guitarists, and graffiti painters will be lurking around the hip hutong. Catch local DJ Tom Foolery and punk rockers Reflector closing the fair at either end of the street at 9pm on the 15th, or DJ KOALAPOP at night on the 16th. For more information or a festival program, contact Joan at 139 1130 6674, or via e-mail at

Yugong Yishan Opening (Sep 22)

One of the best live venues in Beijing is back. They've moved into the old Rui Fu place, and although details are sketchy, word is the new digs will be pretty slick. Rumor insists that it may become a cafe while the sun is in the sky, and will revert back to the old parking-lot style at dusk. Friends of Yugong Yishan will be spinning on the 22nd to herald in a new era of live-music wonder – and the next generation of a bar that may, down the road, include arts and even theater! Swing by 3 Zhang Zizhong Lu for a sign of what’s to come, as well as a celebration of what has been.


Pilgrimage to Tibet
If you want to get a detailed Travel Handbook to Tibet and know more interesting tour routes leading to this divine place. Please click here!

Yunnan New Film Project
Ten female directors from China! Ten unique sights from mysterious Yunnan Province!Yunnan New Film Project,Travel with the film.Wanna know more? Please click here!
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