Young animators gather for festival

2012-10-29 17:31:37
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Aniwow 2012, the 7th China (Beijing) International Student Animation Festival, took place at the Communication University of China on Oct 28.

The festival featured four main sections: competitions, screenings, master classes and special events. A panel of international judges watched 1,486 works from 32 countries and regions in the event this year, including 718 foreign works. The final round featured 206 pieces.

Students can attend more than 10 screenings and eight master classes, providing a platform for young talents to communicate directly with experts from top animation companies such as Walt Disney and DreamWorks.

During the opening event, Liao Xiangzhong, the vice-president of the Communication University of China, signed strategic cooperation agreements with Zhou Xipei, the general manager of China Publishing Group Digital Media Co, Ltd, and Eric Riewer, the senior adviser on international relations at Gobelins,a top animation school in France.

As the first international student animation festival in China, Aniwow allows China to interact with people from other parts of world through the language of animation and lets young people fulfill their dreams of excelling in animation.

Clike for more information on the festival

Video: Lin Hanqing

Voiceover: Brian Salter

Producer: Flora Yue

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