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Time to make people happy

China Daily

People's sense of happiness should be fully considered during the pursuit of economic development, says a signed article in Guangzhou Daily. An excerpt follows:

Recently, the topic of happiness, or more precisely "happiness indicators," has received growing attention from decision-makers.

In a recent survey conducted by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Statistics, the "sense of happiness" was for the first time introduced into the appraisal system of the harmonious society.

At the provincial people's congress early this year, Meng Jianzhu, secretary of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee, told the attending officials not to be preoccupied with economic indicators alone, and instead try to pursue a simultaneous growth of gross domestic product (GDP) and sense of happiness.

The focus on people's sense of happiness is in fact a self-reflection on the previous excessive pursuit of GDP growth.

Because of the attention on GDP, the country's economy has made remarkable advancements. However, some worrying problems have also been created.

Increasing environmental deterioration, air pollution, and soaring education and medical costs are eroding ordinary people's quality of life. Many residents now complain they do not feel happy.

In this context, decision-makers' attention to people's sense of happiness is a symbol of a kind of progress.

The nation should advocate a comprehensive development concept in which social development is not purely understood as an economic boom, and co-ordinated progress of economy, society, environment and other aspects should be sought.

The incorporation of economic, social and environment factors into its development concept indicates the country's tangible steps towards the goal of building a harmonious society.

Different from GDP indicators, happiness indicators are intangible.

What the country should do now is frame a scientific appraisal system to gauge people's happiness as early as possible to keep the growth of happiness in line with the growth of the economy.

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