Rescue & Aid

Psychological counselling stressed following Qinghai quake

Updated: 2010-04-23 16:30
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BEIJING - A Chinese health official expressed concern over psychological health of quake survivors in Qinghai Province and said the possibility of suicides following the April 14 quake can not be ruled out.

Liang Wannian, director of the health emergency response office of MOH, made the remark when responding to a reporter's question about possible suicides after the 7.1 earthquake that struck Yushu of Qinghai Province on April 14.

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Psychological counselling stressed following Qinghai quake Qinghai Earthquake

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Liang said, psychological experts had already been dispatched to the quake zone to make a psychological recovery plan and train local counselling staff.

The ministry has helped train 186 people in mental heath counselling who are familiar with the local language and custom. Now they are providing psychological counselling to quake survivors, relatives of quake victims and rescuers, said Liang.

Apart from the ministry's professional support, local governments, communities and volunteers also have played a role, said Liang.

Liang placed emphasis on the psychological recovery of children affected, especially those made orphans by the quake, saying specific measures would be provided to them.

The 7.1-magnitude earthquake had left 2,187 dead as of 5 p.m. Thursday.