The changes of our wedding ceremonies
Updated: 2009-09-07 13:51

My parents told me that when they married nearly 25 years ago they just desired three things, including a radio, bike and sewing machine. Today, my brother is going to marry soon and he also want three things. However , the things are different completely. The couple want to get a large house, a pretty car and beautiful furniture. In the past, bikes were the main tool of transportation in the wedding ceremony. As we all know, cars replaced them a long time ago. Besides, my parents’ wedding ceremony was held at home and close relatives became the cook in order to save money. Most of our ceremonies are held in grand hotels and famous restaurants because it is more convenient nowadays. Honeymooth was very unco to my parents at the time. My brother is planning to travel in Europe to enjoy his honeymooth. I am 19 years now and begin to imagine what will happen when I am gong to marry. It is sure that It would be better.