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Reap confidence and consolidate consensus --sidelights on the opening ceremony of the Fourth Session of the 12th National People's Congress


Updated: 2016-03-06 20:58:10


Leng Xinsheng, an NPC deputy from Suqu County in the south of the central province Jiangxi, had some worries before coming to the fourth session in Beijing. The deputy wondered how the government could ensure employment amidst enduring downward economic pressure, whether the government would spend less on people's wellbeing, would enterprises face more tax burden, and would the level of funds for shaking off poverty be lower?

"Having listened to the government work report by Premier Li Keqing, I feel inspired. In the report, new achievements and prospects are presented, new concepts and blueprints are drawn up and new goals and measures are set. We are excited and confident in our government. What the report says has removed my previous concerns as Premier has given us definite replies." On the afternoon of March 5th Leng Xinsheng quoted some of the replies by Premier Li Keqiang when reviewing the government work report at the plenary session of Jiangxi delegation.

——Stable growth is to ensure employment and improve people's wellbeing. That requires a 6.5% to 7% economic growth rate for adequate employment.

——Growth in government revenue is slowing;but when it comes to getting things done for the welfare of the people, we mustn't drop a single thing.

——Make sure that tax burdens are only reduced not increased in all industries

— Funds for poverty reduction from the central government will go up by 43.4%

"These figures and commitments from the central government have given us more confidence in this year's work", said Leng Xinsheng.

There are many deputies who feel the same as Leng Xinsheng. Another 2,889 NPC deputies who were present for the report on the the work of government were satisfied with what the report has said.

"Faced with challenges by downward economic growth, some feasible suggestions have been brought forth. In particular, this year marks the beginning of the implementation of the thirteenth Five-year plan. The government work report has identified systematic plans."said Dong Mingzhu, an NPC deputy and Chairman of Gree.

Dong believes many issues need to be addressed urgently, such as zombie companies, backward production capacity, infringement on IPR and among others. The solution to these problems lies in the government work report. That means in moderately expanding overall demand, we should do a good job in supply-side structural reform. It requires to reduce ineffective and low-end supply while increasing effective and medium-high end supply and provide more public products and services. In so doing, we can ensure that supply and demand go step in step with economic growth, total factor productivity is improved and social productivity is unleashed.

"There is remarkable progress in this year's government work report in terms of environmental protection. Notably, it is suggested that the number of days with high quality air will reach 80% of the whole year. It is a challenging task. It is a fine indicator for air quality. The government is under supervision of the people and the media." Said Liu Zhengjun, an NPC deputy and chairman of Yonker Environmental Protection CO.,LTD.

"Premier is serious about fighting against smog." remarked Liu Zhengjun. His comments came from resolutions on issues critical to people welfare including uprooting smog in China in the report. Tough measures must be taken to control smog and water pollution. We ensure that the newly-revised environmental Protection Law must be strictly enforced, that those who emit pollutants beyond the limit allowed by their permit or without a permit are severely punished and that those who knowingly allow such violations are held to account.

Based on statistics by journalist of China Youth International, the word "xinxin or confidence"appeared only twice in the work report.It is not a frequent word. However, Premier Li Keqing demonstrated China confidence by citing solid statistics and making solemn commitments in a less than 20,000-word government work report. This has consolidated the consensus of 1.3 billion Chinese to embrace and overcome difficulties.

In the past year, in spite of formidable difficulties and challenges faced by China, under the strong leadership of the central committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary, the Chinese people of all ethnic groups conquered these difficulties and forged ahead. As such, economic and social development kept steady amidst stability and accomplished major tasks set for the whole year, scoring major achievements in reform and opening up and the socialist modernization drive.

Looking ahead in the following five years, we are confident that we can achieve the goal of finishing building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects as scheduled. The Chinese will live a better life and the socialist program with Chinese characteristics will embrace a bright future.