China / Government

Former military leader Guo Boxiong expelled from CPC, to face justice

(Xinhua) Updated: 2015-07-30 22:21

"No matter what power one holds or how high one's position is, if a person violates Party rules and law, he or she should be hunted down without compromise and without mercy," it said.


Party committees at various levels should strengthen education, administration and supervision of Party cadres, especially those of senior and middle rank, the statement said.

To ensure an effective anti-corruption fight and the building of a clean Party, efforts should be enhanced to set up an anti-graft legal system and facilitate implementation of the law and rules so that "officials dare not, cannot and do not want to be corrupt," it said.

The central leadership urged officials at various levels to entrench themselves more firmly in the Marxist view of the world and value, enhance their mastery of the Party spirit, and strictly abide by political rules and discipline. They should develop a correct attitude toward power, prestige and profit.

Officials were also urged to take the lead to practise the "three stricts and three earnests," a series of requirements for officials to improve their lifestyles and work practices.

Officials should also set an example in opposing corruption, consciously resisting temptation and tests, and maintaining the Party's advanced and pure nature, it said.


The statement also stressed that the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has always been trusted by the Party and the people.

National defense and military development have progressed remarkably under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee since China's reform and opening up. The armed forces have made great contributions to safeguarding national sovereignty, security, development and people's lives.

Other departments should support the development and reform of armed forces, promote the unity between the military and civilian sector and firmly back the efforts to build a strong military, the statement said.

It also ordered the military to improve ideological and political education and work style.

The armed forces should insist on prioritizing ideological improvement, training troops, enhancing combat readiness, strictly governing themselves and setting a good example.

They should "inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition and fine style of the Party and the military, retain the true nature of the people's army forever and ensure a high degree of stability, centralization and uniformity," according to the statement.

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