China / Society

Stranded Tibetans return from Nepal

(Xinhua) Updated: 2015-05-11 20:42

LHASA-- Forty-six Tibetans who had been stranded in Nepal by last month's earthquake returned to Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region, Monday morning.

Landslides had these border residents, from Zham Town in Nyalam County, stuck in a tiny town in Nepal following the quake on April 25, according to the government of Shigatse, which administrates Nyalam.

The Tibetans were mostly on business in Nepal, a few had crossed the border to go shopping on the day of the quake.

According to one of those stranded, Cering Lhamoi, as the roads were inaccessible, the group had walked to the Chinese Embassy in Kathmandu for help.

The Tibetan government sent staff to Nepal to help evacuate the Chinese nationals and the government of Shigatse supplied plane tickets to get them home.

Another of the group, Gama Zhaima, said: "I was thankful when the plane landed in Lhasa."

As of Monday, the death toll from the earthquake stood at 8,019, with 17,866 injured.

Nepalese climbers stranded in Tibet also began to return to Nepal on Sunday.

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