China / Society

Anti-graft agency publishes corruption confessions

(Xinhua) Updated: 2015-02-26 18:45

BEIJING - The Communist Party of China's (CPC) anti-corruption agency has opened a column on its website where corrupt officials' confessions will be published to "warn, deter and educate".

"Behind every corruption case lies the shadow of power anomie, behind every confession hides the remorse of self-blame and self-hate," the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection said on its website.

The first publication on Wednesday was from Zhang Yin, who acted as vice-chairman of the political advisory body in the eastern city of Xuzhou, Jiangsu province, before his involvement in bribery came to light.

After taking the helm of the CPC in November 2012, Xi Jinping vowed to fight corruption, targeting both high-ranking "tigers" and lowly "flies".

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