China / Society

Region offers rewards for tips on terror

By Palden Nyima and Da Qiong (China Daily) Updated: 2015-02-03 08:29

The Tibet autonomous region is offering rewards of up to 300,000 yuan ($48,500) to anyone who provides authorities with tips about violence and terrorism.

The measure will encourage residents to be involved in the anti-terror campaign and to report activities or violence, officials with the regional public and security department said.

A nationwide campaign to fight terrorism was launched following deadly attacks in Beijing, Yunnan province and the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.

Many other provinces and cities now have programs to gather tips about terrorist activities, with some paying as much as 500,000 yuan for valuable information.

The tips can include information on organizing, planning, implementing and inciting terrorist activities in China by domestic and overseas organizations, as well as on the contacts, funding and whereabouts of members of terrorist organizations.

"Through this new initiative, the lives and property of residents will be better protected," said Niu Lijia, an officer at the Lhasa police department.

The amount of the reward is based on the value of the tip, and the safety of tipsters will be protected, officials said.

(China Daily 02/03/2015 page4)

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