China / Society

Prodi hails New Silk Road as 'great revolution'

By Bao Wanxian in Tianjin ( Updated: 2015-02-02 19:43

Having established a good relationship with Europe, China proposed creating the "New Silk Economic Zone", which will strengthen Sino-European economic ties and provide more space for political relations, Romano Prodi, former Prime Minister of Italy and former President of the European Commission, said during a lecture at Tianjin's Nankai University. 

The 75-year-old statesman regards the "New Silk Economic Zone" concept as a "great revolution".

Connecting Europe and China by sea, land and air, the New Silk Road will bring important changes to both Asia and Europe. Especially trains between China and Europe will provide a new horizon to strengthen a closer relationship, he said.

Compared to the European Union, which comprises dispersed and independent nations, China provides more opportunities for development, he said, adding that China should pay more attention to the fields of technology and culture which are likely to make more progress.

Prodi concluded by expressing his sincere hope for Chinese students. "I hope to see an increasing number of Chinese students go to Europe for further study and hope that the new generation make consensus on China, Europe and world peace," he said.

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