China / Government

Ten breakthroughs of China's military diplomacy in 2014

(China Military Online) Updated: 2014-12-31 09:15

Ten breakthroughs of China's military diplomacy in 2014

NO.8 China and the U.S. built two mutual trust mechanisms

Event playback: The Chinese and American presidents jointly announced on November 12, 2014 that the two sides had signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on establishing "two mutual trust mechanisms", namely the mutual reporting and trust mechanism on major military operations and the code of safe conduct on naval and air military encounters between the two sides.

Reason for listing: This was the first time that the Chinese and American militaries set up such mutual trust mechanisms. They provide the institutional guarantee for the long-term and stable development of relations between the two militaries, and serve as an important measure to strengthen their mutual understanding of each other's strategic intentions, intensify strategic mutual trust, manage and control crisis, and prevent risks.

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