China / Society

Foreign bachelors tell about single life in China

( Updated: 2014-11-11 15:29

American woman feels the pinch of Chinese dating culture

Anne Ruisi, 40, from the US, is now an editor with an English website in China. She has been in China since August 2013.

Anne Ruisi——

I enjoy living in China and I've made many expat and Chinese friends. But being a single Western woman over the age of 40 in China is very difficult from a dating standpoint. Most eligible western men in my generation want to date young Chinese women, some half their age – you can't compete with that. Most Chinese men in my age group are married – and the eligible ones tend to not approach a western woman. So it's tough.

I've never been married but haven't ruled it out. I'd probably prefer to marry a western man, as cultural differences might be difficult to overcome.

In my spare time I enjoy exploring Beijing and hanging out with friends.

 Foreign bachelors tell about single life in China

Anne Ruisi attends a dinner given by the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs in honor of foreign experts at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Sept 28, 2014.

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