CHINADAILY 中国日报 > Meet the diplomats

Senior diplomat: China to deepen ties with Russia
2012-01-12 15:01

Topic: Russian election

Q:How will anti-Putin protests in Russia affect Putin running for president in the future?

A:United Russia won over half of the seats in the Duma, so it is still the largest party, which also reflects the will of the Russian people. People who took part in anti-Putin protests only account for a small number. China respects the choice of the Russian people.

Topic: Tourism exchanges

Q:What will both countries do to enhance exchanges on tourism?

A:According to the agreement reached by Chinese President Hu Jintao and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, the Russia Tourism Year will be held in China in 2012 and the China Tourism Year will be held in Russia in 2013. It will play an important role in enhancing understanding and friendship between the two countries’ people and in boosting the Sino-Russia strategic partnership.

Statistics show 710,900 Chinese tourists visited Russia in 2010, up four percent, and 2.7 million Russian tourists visited China, up 36 percent.

According to agreements between tourism authorities of the two countries, the two sides will exchange timely emergent information on tourists’ safety and take measures to protect the rights and safety of the other country’s tourists. Besides, both demand tourists from the other country must have medical insurance.

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Guest: Lu Shaye
Time: Feb 27, 2013
Director-general of Department of African Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs