CHINADAILY 中国日报 > Meet the diplomats

Diplomat: China stresses ties with neighbors
2012-01-06 18:27

Topic: China's Asian neighbors

Q: What's the significance and characteristics of Chinese neighborhood foreign policy? How do you evaluate the current diplomatic situation in Asia?

A: Neighboring countries have an important influence on China, so Chinese foreign policy puts neighborhood diplomacy as a top priority.

China has the most neighboring countries – 20 in total, which are diverse in size, political system, development stage, religion and culture, and some of which also have historical disputes with China. Moreover, Asia is a contending region where the interests of major powers intersect. Besides, China is the only large country in the world that hasn't achieved national unity, which is an important reality we need to bear in mind in foreign and neighborhood diplomacy.

Despite some disputes over territory sovereignty and maritime rights, Asia maintained general stability and became the most vigorous region in the past year. Regional mechanisms maintained good momentum and sensitive issues eased after fluctuation, while the US increased its presence in Asia and the development of China influenced that of Asia and the world at large.

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Guest: Lu Shaye
Time: Feb 27, 2013
Director-general of Department of African Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs