China to survey territorial islands
BEIJING - China will carry out a survey of its territorial islands, the State Oceanic Administration announced Tuesday.
It will be the country's second island resources integrated survey. A logo was released by the administration to mark the survey, featuring an island, waves, sea birds and fish.
The survey aims to cover China's territorial islands, which number around 10,000, in five years, according to the administration.
Data on the distribution, quantity and quality of the islands' resources and the development potentials of such resources, as well as the islands' major environmental and ecological conditions will be collected.
The islands' geological features and their economic and social development will also be covered in the survey.
The administration said the data obtained in the first survey, which was carried out between 1988 and 1996, laid a foundation for the management of the islands but needed to be updated.
The upcoming survey is also being carried out for China to formulate a strategic blueprint for maritime development and social construction on the islands in the 13th Five Year Plan (2016-2020).
Registration Number: 130349