Anti-corruption is breaking point of reform

Since the new leadership of the Chinese Communist Party took office in November 2012, the Party has taken steps to fight corruption. On the cover of its 14th edition of 2013, South Reviews reported on the Party working to further anti-corruption.
The magazine quoted Li Yongzhong, an expert in anti-corruption, as saying: "China faces three 'must solve' challenges: the political system must be reformed; polarization must be addressed and the anti-corruption dilemma must be broken."
Among the three challenges, anti-corruption has the broadest support and is the easiest to address. Therefore, it's the best breaking point, Li said.
The recent reform campaign is not limited to anti-corruption cases. It can educate the whole Party and boost the spirit of the Party, the people and the military. This move is far-reaching and can exceed previous efforts.
Some say the recent campaign just touches the "skin" of the Party, but if the skin is not well, overall reform is dangerous. Therefore, purifying the skin is a precondition of political reform, according to the report.
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