China / Society

Call arises for more laws to protect children

By Yang Yao ( Updated: 2012-11-20 21:52

Scholars and social workers called for greater respect of the Children's Rights Convention as China marks its 20th anniversary of the ratification of the convention on Nov 20.

Wang Zhenyao, director of the China Philanthropy Research Institute at Beijing Normal University, said more legislation is needed although children's rights have greatly improved in the past two decades.

Li Ying, a philanthropy attorney at Beijing Juntai Law Firm, said China's legal system still lacks a sufficient protective mechanism for children.

A few cases involving suspected child abuse were reported recently, prompting experts to call for stricter legislation.

Yan Yanhong, a kindergarten teacher in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province, was photographed holding students up by their ears, and was detained last month.

The police, however, released the teacher on Nov 16, after detaining her for 22 days for causing minor injuries to children. The police did not transfer Yan to prosecutors for criminal charges.

Li said Yan was not charged because child abuse is not listed as a crime in China.

The lack of such a definition has seen some child abusers escape severe criminal penalties, Li said.

Also on Nov 16, children wearing bikinis appeared at an auto show in Wuhan, Hubei province.

Li said this violates children's rights.

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