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25 detained for smoking in public places

( Updated: 2012-11-07 19:56

A total of 25 people have been detained for smoking in public places in Xinyu city in East China’s Jiangxi province, Xinhua News Agency reported on Wednesday.

The fire department from the local public security bureau launched a fire control campaign in June 2011, focusing on the downtown district of Yushui, where there is a high risk of fire.

Liao Haihua, director of the fire bureau in the district’s public security department, said public places, especially shopping malls, contained many kinds of inflammable materials and many people gather in such places. A fire there can be fatal.

In the largest shopping mall in the district, the fire bureau has punished 22 people with administrative detention since the campaign was launched.

Liao said the enforcement of such punishment has led to reduced fire risks in the area.

Many cities in China, including Beijing, have banned smoking in public places. However, the bans have been branded as useless as no punishment is stated to warn offenders.

Under the nation’s fire control law, the first edition of which took effect in 1998, people who smoke in places where it is forbidden can be fined up to 500 yuan ($80), while those seriously breaching the law can be detained for a maximum of five days.


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