China / Government

Wen's speech at 2nd China-Eurasia Expo (Full Text)

(Xinhua) Updated: 2012-09-03 06:52

URUMQI - Following is a translated version of the speech by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabaoat the opening session of the second China-Eurasia Expo and Economic Development and Cooperation Forum held on Sunday:

Towards New Glory of the Silk Road

Speech by H.E. Wen Jiabao

Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China

At the Second China-Eurasia Economic Development and Cooperation Forum

Urumqi, 2 September 2012

Your Excellency President of Kyrgystan Almazbek Atambayev,

Your Excellency President of the Maldives Mohammed Waheed Hassan,

Your Excellency Prime Minister of Cambodia Hun Sen,

Your Excellency Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Karim Massimov,

Your Excellency Prime Minister of Tajikistan Akil Akilov,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It gives me great pleasure to join you at the Second China-Eurasia Expo in the beautiful city of Urumqi. Today, nearly 90 leaders and senior officials from Eurasian countries and international organizations and more than 1,000 Chinese and foreign entrepreneurs are gathered here at the Opening Session of the Expo. This fully testifies to the good wishes of countries in the region to increase understanding, expand exchanges and deepen cooperation. Let me extend, on behalf of the Chinese government, warm congratulations on the opening of the Expo and the Forum, and sincere welcome to all the guests who have come from afar. I also wish to pay high tribute to people from all sectors who have been dedicated to the friendship and cooperation between China and other Eurasian countries.

Eurasia is a beautiful and magical land. With abundant resources, a variety of landforms, diverse ethnic groups and pluralistic cultures, this land beams with vigor and vitality. It was likened to the broad chest of Mother Earth in ancient Greek myths. As early as over 2,000 years ago, our ancestors, conquering mountains and valleys, traversing deserts and grasslands and sailing seas and oceans, opened the Silk Road that connected both ends of the Eurasian continent and served as a bridge for interactions between the East and West. Along this ancient road, flows of goods, including silk, porcelain, tea, gemstone and fine horses were traded; craftsmen left myriads of art treasures and majestic architecture. Much has happened along this road, and Hiuen Tsang's journey to the west for Buddhist scriptures and Macro Polo's trip to China have become widely told stories of friendly exchanges among the Eurasian countries.

Today, as world political multi-polarity and economic globalization gather momentum, Eurasian countries have strived to seize historical opportunities and achieve prosperity with hard efforts. Their mutual political trust has deepened, trade and investment have rapidly expanded, regional and sub-regional cooperation has flourished, and the influence of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), the Arab League, the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) has been on the rise. The ancient Silk Road has regained its past vigor and vitality. A number of developing countries have fast risen and become an important emerging force on the international stage, fundamentally changing the world political and economic landscapes. Central Asia, West Asia, South Asia and Central and Eastern Europe have displayed great vitality and potential for development. After I became Chinese Premier, I visited quite a few Eurasian countries, and I have seen for myself their rapid change and progress. The 21st century, a century of major development and major adjustments in the international architecture, will also be a century of major development and cooperation of the Eurasian countries.

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