China / Society

China orders bus safety sweep after accident

(Xinhua) Updated: 2012-08-28 15:34

BEIJING - Chinese transportation and safety authorities have ordered a strict probe and comprehensive inspection of long-distance bus safety after a major road accident left 36 people dead on Sunday.

A serious investigation will be made into the deadly accident, which has exposed weak links in highway transportation safety management, the Work Safety Committee of the State Council said after an emergency meeting on national transportation safety was held on Tuesday.

Yang Dongliang, director of the State Administration of Work Safety, said the investigation team is determined to identify the cause of the accident, and it has promised to publicize the results of the investigation.

A double-decker sleeper bus burst into flames after rear-ending a methanol tanker in the city of Yan'an in Shaanxi Province early Sunday, killing 36 people on the bus.

China's Ministry of Transport on Tuesday announced a sweeping inspection of long-distance bus safety, ordering local transport authorities to immediately launch a comprehensive examination of all long-distance buses and routes to eliminate potential safety hazards.

Buses that fail in safety checks will be banned from roads, according to the ministry.

Effective measures must be taken to ensure that bus drivers have enough rest and to prevent them from driving if they are drowsy, it added.

Huang Ming, vice-minister of public security, also ordered stricter supervision over illegal transportation activities, as well as a road safety overhaul and removal of hidden dangers.

Drivers that drive 50 percent over the speed limit will have their driver's licenses taken away, while bus drivers that exceed the speed limit by 20 percent will be fired after receiving punishment, according to Huang.


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