China / Government

China, France vow to advance strategic ties

(Xinhua) Updated: 2012-07-09 22:01

BEIJING - Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi on Monday held talks with French Minister of Foreign Affairs Laurent Fabius in Beijing on bilateral relations and major international and regional issues.

Yang said a meeting between President Hu Jintao and French President Francois Hollande last month in Mexico has given direction for the development of bilateral ties under new circumstances.

He called on the two sides to advance the China-France comprehensive strategic partnership in line with the consensus reached by both leaders, as well as look at bilateral ties from a long-term perspective and respect and accommodate each other's core interests and major concerns.

The two sides should explore new areas for economic cooperation, Yang said, suggesting enhanced cooperation in nuclear energy and aviation, as well as new energy and the creative industry.

He also suggested strengthening exchanges between the parties, legislatures, local governments and youth of the two countries.

"China is willing to work with France to promote the development of China-Europe ties and beef up communication and coordination on major international and regional issues," Yang said.

Yang said he hopes the foreign ministries of both countries will enhance coordination and actively promote cooperation in all sectors.

France attaches great importance to its ties with China, Fabius said, adding that the new French government is committed to advancing their bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership.

Fabius said France is ready to maintain close high-level exchanges, enhance strategic dialogue, expand people-to-people exchanges and increase mutual understanding and trust.

France respects China's core interests, Fabius said, adding that the two countries are partners with common development priorities.

He said France is ready to work with China to expand cooperation in nuclear energy, aviation, agriculture, finance and sustainable development.

France also hopes to strengthen coordination and cooperation with China in international affairs, he added.

The two sides agreed to jointly organize celebrative activities marking the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations in 2014 and thereby further advance bilateral ties.

They also exchanged views on the Syrian conflict and Iranian nuclear issue.

Fabius is on an official visit to China from July 9 to 11 at the invitation of Yang.

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