China / Society

Harbin a happening place this summer

By Zheng Xin ( Updated: 2012-05-15 20:33

A series of cultural tourism activities will be staged this summer in Harbin, capital of Northeast China's Heilongjiang province, featuring the natural scenery and cultural relics of the city known as the kingdom of ice and snow.

The grand occasion, lasting from June 10 to Oct 10, will cover continuous extravaganzas including a beer festival, wetland cultural festival, summer music concert and economy and trade talks.

"The activities will bring another side of Harbin to people around the world, besides its collection of ice and snow sculptures with Russian characteristics," said Song Xibin, mayor of Harbin, at a news conference in Beijing on May 15.

The four months of celebrations will be kick off with the second Songhua River Wetland Tourism Cultural Festival from June 10 to 24. Fourteen wetland parks in the city, including the Sun Island Wetland National Park and the Hulanhekou Wetland Park, will be open to locals and tourists, who will be able to appreciate the magnificence of the wetland sceneries by boat.

The 2012 International Beer Festival of Harbin will be celebrated from June 28 to July 9. Harbin will be embracing beer manufacturers from all over the world, and tourists can completely indulge themselves in the heaven of beer.

Following is the 31st Harbin Summer Music Concert that will last for nine days from Aug 6.

In addition, the 23rd Harbin economy and trade talks from June 15 to 20, as well as numerous food and ice sculpture exhibitions, will add charm to the series of cultural activities.

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