Foreign and Military Affairs

China, Japan vow to boost ties amid disputes

Updated: 2011-07-04 22:46
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BEIJING - China and Japan on Monday pledged to enhance bilateral ties, as territorial and other disputes linger.

"The development of Chinese-Japanese relations conforms with the fundamental interests of the two peoples," Vice-President Xi Jinping told visiting Japanese Foreign Minister Matsumoto Takeaki.

As major trade and economic partners, China and Japan are becoming more dependent on each other, Xi said during an hour-long meeting with Matsumoto at the Great Hall of the People in downtown Beijing.

The two states bear important responsibilities in safeguarding and promoting peace and development in Asia and the world at large, and share broad common interests on international and regional issues, Xi told Matsumoto who is on his first visit to China since he took office in March.

Xi talked with Matsumoto about the rebuilding effort in Japan following the devastating March 11 earthquake and tsunami.

"I believe that the Japanese people, through their unremitting efforts, can overcome difficulties, rebuild their homes and achieve new economic and social progress," Xi said.

Matsumoto said Japan appreciated China's condolences over the disaster, especially those from President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao, as well as the aid the country had provided.

He said Japan hoped to enhance cooperation with China in various fields, including post-disaster reconstruction, to push forward the mutually beneficial strategic relations.

Earlier Monday, Matsumoto also held talks with his Chinese counterpart Yang Jiechi.

The two top diplomats "discussed almost all the issues" they wished to talk about, said Hidenobu Sobashima, a spokesman for Japanese Foreign Ministry, at a press briefing Monday afternoon.

He said the two foreign ministers touched on a wide range of issues, including bilateral ties, the six-party talks on the Korean Peninsula, the differences on the Diaoyu Islands, and China's export of rare earth to Japan.

Noting that China and Japan will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the normalization of bilateral diplomatic ties, Sobashima told reporters that "we should make next year a very fruitful year."

The foreign minister urged the Japanese private sectors to cooperate with the government to arrange celebrations.

Sobashima said Matsumoto also congratulated China on the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China during his meeting with Chinese leaders.
