Foreign and Military Affairs

China calls for effective anti-drugs strategy

Updated: 2011-06-25 07:52
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UNITED NATIONS - The international community should implement a comprehensive and balanced drugs control strategy, Li Baodong, the Chinese permanent representative to the United Nations said here on Friday.

Li made the statement as he addressed a Security Council open meeting on threats to international peace and security.

"Drugs trafficking and transnational organized crime severely endangers the economic development and social order of all countries, and constitutes a common challenge facing the international community," Li told the meeting. "In such countries as Afghanistan and western African region, drugs problem has become an important element affecting security and stability."

It is imperative to strictly tackle illegal drugs supply on one hand, and to effectively reduce illicit demand for drugs on the other, he said.

Li pointed out that the developed countries should help the developing countries which are severely affected by drugs to promote alternative economy and provide necessary financial and technical support in this regard.

In addition, the impact brought by drugs issue needs to be attached greater importance in the process of preventing conflict and building peace, Li said.

"The international community should fully respect the anti-drugs strategy independently stipulated by the countries concerned in supporting the anti-drugs efforts of countries in conflict and post-conflict countries," he said.

The ambassador also asked countries and relevant international organizations to enhance coordination and give full play to their respective advantages and expertise in drugs control efforts.
