Foreign and Military Affairs

China calls for political solution to Libyan crisis

Updated: 2011-06-16 10:05
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UNITED NATIONS - Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Zhai Jun Wednesday called on the international community to promote efforts of finding a political solution to the Libyan crisis.

Zhai made the remarks as he addressed a United Nations Security Council meeting on the situation in Libya, initiated by the African Union (AU). The Mauritanian Foreign Minister Hamady Ould Hamady briefed the Council on behalf of the AU High Level Ad Hoc Committee on the crisis in the north African country.

Zhai said that Libya is still faced with grave situation. The dialogue between the Security Council and the AU High Level delegation provided an important platform for the international community to find a peaceful means to solve the Libyan crisis.

"Military forces can not solve the Libyan problem," Zhai said.

Zhai said that UN resolutions should be implemented earnestly and no acts can be carried out beyond the authorization of the UN Security Council. In addition, the efforts of humanitarian assistance in the country should be increased.

China supports the AU's diplomatic mediation efforts to solve the crisis, he said.

China maintained contacts with the two parties of the conflict in Libya and promoted peaceful means including dialogue and negotiation to resolve the crisis, according to Zhai.
