Foreign and Military Affairs

China, Iran discuss friendly co-op, nuclear issue

Updated: 2011-06-15 06:52
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ASTANA - Chinese President Hu Jintao held talks Tuesday with his Iranian counterpart Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on bilateral friendly cooperation and the Iranian nuclear issue.

During their meeting, Hu said that further consolidating and developing China-Iran friendly and cooperative relations are in the common interests of both sides and conducive to maintaining peace and stability in the region and the world at large.

This year marked the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Iran.

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Since the two countries established diplomatic ties and especially in recent years, China-Iran relations have seen healthy and steady growth supported by joint efforts, he said.

Leaders of the two countries have maintained frequent exchange of visits as political mutual trust improved and pragmatic cooperation advanced steadily, Hu said.

Hu called on both countries to push forward pragmatic cooperation by maintaining the momentum in bilateral trade and economic cooperation.

He said that the two countries should expand cultural exchanges and encourage the two peoples to increase contact so as to let the China-Iran friendship take root deep in the hearts of the two peoples.

Hu said the two sides need to strengthen communication on international affairs, so as to promote peace and stability in the region and the whole world.

Ahmadinejad, for his part, voiced hope for closer cooperation with China in various fields.

He said that Iran is willing to join hands with the Chinese side to enhance trade and economic cooperation and elevate cultural exchanges and people-to-people communication between the two countries.

Ahmadinejad noted that Iran and China boast a long history of good relations.

Iran is willing to enhance communication with China on international and regional issues, so as to boost international and regional security and stability, he said.

On the Iranian nuclear issue, Hu expressed the wish that Iran will carry out dialogue as soon as possible with the six nations, consisting of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany.

Hu said that under the current situation, Iran should "grasp all positive elements that are conducive to pushing forward the dialogue process."

He urged Iran to "take substantial steps in respect of establishing trust" and "speed up the process of dialogue."

Hu pointed out that seeking a comprehensive and proper solution to the Iranian nuclear issue through dialogue and negotiation is the fundamental way to guarantee Iran's right to peaceful use of nuclear energy.

"This is not only in the interest of the Iranian side, but also conducive to peace and stability in the Middle East," Hu said.

Ahmadinejad said that Iran is ready to hold dialogue with the six nations and resolve the Iranian nuclear issue through dialogue and cooperation.

Iran is also willing to keep communication with the Chinese side on the issue, he added.

Both Hu and Ahmadinejad were here to attend the annual summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) scheduled for Wednesday.

Kazakhstan is the first leg of Hu's three-nation tour.

After the one-day SGO summit, the Chinese president will travel to Russia later Wednesday for a state visit. In Russia, he will also attend the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. He will then visit Ukraine.
