Foreign and Military Affairs

Chinese VP meets Fidel Castro on ties

Updated: 2011-06-07 15:56
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HAVANA - Visiting Chinese Vice-President Xi Jinping met former Cuban leader Fidel Castro here Monday.

"You are the founder of Cuba's revolutionary and socialist cause and are dearly loved by the Cuban people and respected by the Chinese people," Xi told 85-year-old Castro.

Chinese VP meets Fidel Castro on ties
Chinese Vice-President Xi Jinping (left) shakes hands with former Cuban leader Fidel Castro in Havana on Monday. [Photo/Xinhua]

In the past over half a century under Castro's leadership, the Cuban people have firmly safeguarded their sovereignty and security, actively fought for a favorable external environment, made every effort to promote economic and social development, and thus have achieved hard-won success in nation building, Xi said.

Xi spoke highly of the continuous consolidation and expansion of Sino-Cuban friendly ties, saying the two countries have become trustworthy friends, comrades and partners.

"Under new circumstances, China continues to adhere to the principle of long-term friendship between China and Cuba," Xi said. "China is ready to enhance high-level exchanges, deepen friendly cooperation in all areas, share further experience in governance and party building so as to, along with the Cuban side, make new progress in promoting the mutually- beneficial cooperative ties between China and Cuba," Xi said.

Castro recalled his past contacts with Chinese leaders, saying he has always paid attention to China's socialist construction. He expressed admiration for China's socio-economic achievements and China's rising international status.

He said he was delighted to see that Xi has reached important consensus with current Cuban leader Raul Castro on deepening mutually-beneficial and practical cooperation in all areas and promoting all-around development of bilateral ties.

Xi and Castro also exchanged views on current world situation.

Also on Monday, Xi visited a local clinic in downtown Havana and the working site of a joint China-Cuban project for oil and gas drilling.

Praising Cuba's accomplishment in healthcare services, Xi said he hoped both countries would learn from each other, enhance communication and cooperation to provide better services to their peoples.

At the working site of Great Wall Drilling Company, a subsidiary of China National Petroleum Corporation entrusted by Cuba's state oil company CUPET to drill oil wells for Cuba, Xi said Chinese and Cuban economies are complementary to each other and both countries should push forward cooperative projects one by one.

The Chinese vice-president was on an official visit to Cuba starting from Saturday.
