Foreign and Military Affairs

China to boost relations with OAS: ambassador

Updated: 2011-06-06 14:46
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SAN SALVADOR - China looks forward to deepening cooperation with the Organization of American States (OAS) and will support its efforts in maintaining regional peace, stability and development, said Zhang Yesui, China's permanent observer to the OAS and ambassador to the United States.

Addressing the Dialogue between OAS Members and Permanent Observers, Zhang said that in the second decade into the 21st century, China is deepening and expanding its ties with the American countries. Cooperation between China and the OAS has become an effective platform to facilitate multi-lateral exchanges and enhance their relations, Zhang said.

The ambassador said future cooperation between China and the OAS must be based on equality and openness, friendly consultation and focus on regional and national concerns for the principle purpose of promoting peace and development.

China will as always support the OAS for its efforts in maintaining regional peace, stability and development, Zhang said.

The Chinese side will use various resources to finance the OAS Lecture Series of the Americas, the model OAS annual conferences, and programs such as disaster prevention in Central America and water resource management in South America, Zhang said.

China will also help implement human resources cooperation such as scholarship programs and personnel training, enhance communication between China and the OAS and dedicate to the positive contribution to China-OAS ties, Zhang said.

The three-day 41st General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) opened Sunday with the theme of "Citizen Security in the Americas." Representatives of OAS members and 66 permanent observer countries, as well as many international institutions are attending the conference.
